Stefan Claas
2024-12-20 20:35:47 UTC
PermalinkI recently finished my Doppekastenschluessel-Hex project,
which is a simplified version of the original German WWII
cipher, with hex notation.
For more details check my previous thread 'Seriation'
Your task is to crack the provided message, which uses
only one key for encryption, instead of two (default)
or more.
The message:
75 A2 85 D1 84 59 85 2D 25 CB 85 1C 24 70 27 6C
C5 3C 65 2E 87 6C 8E E7 89 E9 C9 3E 8E 7D 8E D6
Please note: The message is written as normal text and
not like plaintext messages from the old days and with
padding applied.
The price for the Winner is a set of EFF lapel pins and
an orginal sticker for the 'age' encryption file program
and for the Runner-Up an 'age' file encryption sticker.
Send your decrypted result to sacenator<at>gmail<dot>com
and do not post your result here.
Merry Christmas