Post by Stefan ClaasPost by Stefan ClaasPost by Stefan ClaasPost by Stefan ClaasPost by Stefan ClaasPost by Stefan Claas
Addes support for multiple entries (one per line) in the data_file
and comments, starting with #. This allows Alice to send to a group
of people and not only to Bob, in a single session.
Added a 'Note' for users wishing only to use Tor Expert Bundle, without
Tor Browser usage, for the client/server.
Added a 'Usenet-Examples' folder to the repository so that users can use
oc_client.go with Dizum's m2n or Paganini's News Server.
Added a 'minitalk' folder, containing a client and server, so that Alice
and Bob can talk to each other, in realtime.
Added support for the Nomen Nescio TypeI Cypherpunk Remailer.
I reorganized the repository and it consist now of oc_client.go, oc_server.go,
oc_m2n_server.go, oc_paganini_server.go and oc_middleman_server.go.
oc_middleman_server.go is like the name suggest a middleman node, thus
meanining you send with oc_client a message first to the middleman, which
then forwards the message to m2n or paganini. The client sees the path
the message went through. I have not testet yet if this works with multiple
middleman nodes, but I guess it theoretically should.
oc_middleman_server.go needs a special message format containing an
X-OC-To: Header, with the .onion.url, port and password of the
destination server.
In the next couple of days I will set-up a VPS server and test then
oc_email_server.go, so that oc_client.go users can send email to white
listed privacy related email services, or Remailers. In the next step
I will try to implement a mail2onion Gateway, so that oc_client.go
users, with oc_server.go running, can receive anonymous email messages,
as long as their oc_server.go is running (locally). The mail2onion
Gateway will then require 'age'[1] usage so that the destination
address is encrypted and can not bee seen, by for example ,exit
Once this is all done I will try to implement an onion2bitmessage
Gateway. Whish me good luck, so that we have an additional privacy
Network, called Onion Courier, which can not store or log messages
and would allow individuals to run the servers too, whether locally
or on a VPS, without registering a domain. :-)